4 Great Ways To Grow Your Client Base

Every business needs a wide-spanning client base in order to continue operating. There is no business model in this world that does not involve clients and ways to get them. It’s one of the factors in making sure profits are at a peak, as well as giving the business a chance to bloom for the better.

In this article, we’ve collated four of the best ways for businesses to grow their client base. From single proprietorship to big corporations, when you have a presence on the Internet, you can readily capitalize on it to further your agenda. While it is healthy for businesses to cater to a niche clientele, having the presence and making people know that you are present for a certain need is a better marketing plan than anything else.

Maintain a great social media presence

We are living in a world where digital and online presence is as important than it’s ever before. More people are relying on social media for almost everything, making the platform a critical one for businesses to take advantage of. Some businessmen may even argue that being visible online, especially in social media, is better for your business than traditional marketing methods. 

So make sure that your business’ social media presence is as robust as it can be. Hire a social media specialist if you have the means, or learn to be one if you’re just starting out. A great social media presence can be boosted by creating quality content, tracking insights, and learning your demographics’ language. 

Posting should be regular, at least two to three per week. Social media posting should be short  and very emotional and eye catching. This is why you should utilize emojis. For example you are trying to promote a music streaming app or website, you can use the music emoji to quickly show and emphasize that you are posting about music related content. This adds more flare and helps catch readers attention.

Start a free newsletter

This advice may be too familiar and popular, but that’s because it works. Starting a free newsletter won’t only gain you the people who really want to hear from you; it also narrows down the people who might be your next clients. At least one or two out of ten people who’ll receive your newsletter will respond and ask for your products and services.

 It’s not much, but it’s a start. 

Now the tricky part is how to make sure you deliver interesting content and will make your subscriber open up their emails. This is where you need to brainstorm for ideas. At the beginning of the month, plan out your topics. Are you going to send weekly or biweekly? What day will you be sending out? What if you do a series of related topics?

Support existing clients while looking for new ones

Most businesses have a capacity in which they assign a number of what they think they’re maximum threshold is. This is not only smart but also healthy in the long-run. But while that threshold is not yet full capacity, it’s imperative to look for new clients while fully-supporting new ones.

Set aside time on your everyday workload to look for new clients. In fact, most successful companies worldwide have a dedicated team that’s assigned just to get new clients. For small and starting entrepreneurs, this is where the need to multitask arises. If you want to gain more clients, you’ll have to put your time and effort into it!

Great customer service is always the key

Great customer service is one of the pillars of an upstanding business. It’s the difference between success and failure. When you have great customer service, you create a chain of communication with your clients and customers, which then will translate into real-life. They will talk about how wonderful you are as a business to their friends, and will certainly recommend you to their suppliers. 

In doing this, you are expanding your network without paying for it. Word of mouth marketing is as effective in close-knit communities, as is in loose ones, especially in social media. Have you ever heard of a customer’s nightmare story about a business before? So always make sure that your customer service is top-notch. Kindness is key. Train your workers to always be polite, objective, and calm. 


The strategies listed here are only basic things you can do for your business. Knowing your niche and the specific clientele you are serving is still the most important thing to be aware of. Start from that, then learn the trends that the industry is leading and make some decisions. This way, you’re always on top of your client base. And when good word of your service and products get around, expect that more clients will flock to you.


Peter Thompson: Peter, a futurist and tech commentator, writes about emerging technology trends and their potential impacts on society.

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