Online Learning with Gadgets
The dynamics of the market have totally changed. Today a company is no longer what it sells, but how it sells it. Marketing and the creation of a communication strategy are essential for the development of a business startup and for building an active community to offer your product / service and with which to establish a lasting relationship.
A good example to site would be using social media to promote your product or service. It isn’t just used for interacting with your relatives or friends anymore. You can now definitely use it to leverage your conversions. For example, you are trying to get more sales by a promo where-in a percentage of the profit goes to charity. You can go to social media asking others for a favor, to buy the product. You can insert an image for the charity, the product, good content and throw in a pleading emoji to conveys how humble and sincere you are about asking people to buy the product for charity.
In the Social Media
In the Social Media & Project Manager course we will address exactly the crucial points of a strategic marketing plan, going from the profile of the new consumer, to the touchpoint brands, buyer personas and customer journeys, up to the realization of a complete and omni-channel marketing plan for your company or startup. Use of the project management templates come now.
Before meeting in the classroom, however, we have reserved some basic tips for your company’s communication, in the social sphere and on project management:
Tips for your social media strategy
You can only do all-in by playing poker
even before creating a strategy you must choose the right social channels and platforms on which to invest your time and economic resources, do not open company pages on all social networks especially if you do not have time to follow them constantly;
No matter the number, what matters is the quality
Don’t stop to count the number of fans and followers you have on your company channels, the important thing is to have a community of people who care about your product / service;
Be creative and dare
On social networks it also takes a little courage and a lot of creativity! Watch Taffo’s communication or Buondì Motta’s campaign which first kills almost an entire family with an asteroid and then turns everyone into zombies. To get out of the box (and avoid colossal mistakes) you need exercise, skill and zero improvisation.
Tips for managing a digital project
Each project or idea, in order to be realized, needs a precise definition, work organization and continuous monitoring. The term Project Management means all the activities (back and front office) typically carried out by a dedicated and specialized figure: the Project Manager .
The Project Manager deals with the analysis, design, planning and realization of the objectives of a project , managing it in all its characteristics and evolutionary phases, respecting precise constraints (times, costs, resources, purposes, quality).
The project manager, in the coming years, will be the most sought after professional figure in the market . Why? At the course you will discover extraordinary things.
These are the main phases that each PM must deepen and structure analytically:
We will see all these things together in the classroom on the 8h training day we organized. At the social media & project manager course we do not miss anything, we will support you in the development of work for a real project, yours or if you do not have one, you can try your hand at an agency project.